F1 Cyprus Club Blog F1 News Motorsport.com How Russell became the Austrian GP hero as Verstappen and Norris came to blows

How Russell became the Austrian GP hero as Verstappen and Norris came to blows

A Hans Zimmer score and a cinematic masterpiece are often intertwined among some of the most venerated productions in the world of film. The highly revered composer has lent a sprinkling of gold dust to each, enveloping them in a sheen of electronic music-influenced orchestral soundscapes, and has won two Oscars for ‘best original score’ in his distinguished and distinctive career.

Zimmer opened the Austrian Grand Prix with his own energetic rendition of the national anthem Land der Berge, Land am Strome that broke away from the usually staid pre-race formalities. Wielding a James Trussart custom Steelcaster guitar, his involvement ought to have been a harbinger of things to come over the 71 laps of the Red Bull Ring.


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